Avoid sticking your utensils in rice—it's a sacred gesture in South Korea, meant to honor ancestors.

Avoid sticking your utensils in rice—it's a sacred gesture in South Korea, meant to honor ancestors.

Avoid sticking your utensils in rice—it's a sacred gesture in South Korea, meant to honor ancestors.

Meet Trevor, your guide to cultural etiquette. Trevor helps you navigate local customs, ensuring you never accidentally offend. But there's more than just the don'ts. Discover hidden gems and unique destinations. Trevor's gamified system makes every journey an immersive and enlightening experience, deepening your appreciation for the world's diverse cultures.

Meet Trevor, your guide to cultural etiquette. Trevor helps you navigate local customs, ensuring you never accidentally offend.

Beyond the don'ts, explore hidden gems and unique spots with Trevor's gamified system, making each journey immersive and enriching your cultural appreciation.

Meet Trevor, your guide to cultural etiquette. Trevor helps you navigate local customs, ensuring you never accidentally offend.

Beyond the don'ts, explore hidden gems and unique spots with Trevor's gamified system, making each journey immersive and enriching your cultural appreciation.

Role - UX Research, Brand Developer
Duration - 10 weeks
Team - Group of 2
Tools -  Figma, Adobe Illustrator

Role - UX Research, Brand Developer
Duration - 10 weeks
Team - Group of 2
Tools -  Figma, Adobe Illustrator

Don't worry, our Trevor will tell you what NOT to do!

Don't worry, our Trevor will tell you what NOT to do!

Don't worry, our Trevor will tell you what NOT to do!

Problem Discovery & Understanding

I've often found that behaviors I considered normal were actually offensive in other cultures. Avoiding these mistakes can dramatically enrich your travel experience.

While brainstorming for a "Know, Feel, Do" exercise on travel, my teammate and I realized our focus was too much on restrictions. This led us to explore the idea of 'cultural restrictions' more deeply.

This presents an opportunity to address a sensitive topic in a fun and educational way.




South Korea







South Korea





I spoke with 9 people from various countries, all with extensive travel experience.

Using an empathy mapping approach, I focused on their travel experiences, cultural norms they encountered, and challenges they faced due to cultural differences. This revealed a vast array of cultural norms and customs, many of which differed significantly from my own background in South Korea.

I saw a promising solution in informing users about cultural considerations at their travel destinations, potentially preventing offense and promoting positive interactions with local residents.

User flow and Wireframes

Userflow mapped first for smooth user journey. Intuitive design avoids dead-ends and allows easy error recovery.

After establishing the userflow, it was time to develop and visualize the flow into UI.

UI Design

Designed for a smooth and friendly experience, this UI prioritizes essential features to keep users in one app while exploring cultures and enjoying their travel journey. Playful elements add a friendly touch to the experience.

User Testing

Designed for a smooth and friendly experience, this UI prioritizes essential features to keep users in one app while exploring cultures and enjoying their travel journey. Playful elements add a friendly touch to the experience.

9 Participants

100+ Insights and Feedbacks

Each interview was about 20 minutes and there were definitely some points that helped me to develop our product into more human centered design.

"I didn't know that."

"I didn't know that."

During user testing of our app, the frequent "I didn't know that" responses confirmed that Trevor successfully educated users about new cultural insights and hidden gems, achieving its intended goal and marking its success.

This is Our Trevor, your cultural guide to the world.

This is Our Trevor, your cultural guide to the world.

Our Trevor's journey, from ideation to completion, taught me to approach problems and embrace users to have seemless travel experience. Positive feedback on the final product validated the successful user satisfaction.

Check out my other projects!

Check out my other projects!

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Thank you for taking the time to visit my website.

I would be delighted to engage in a conversation with you.

Thank you for taking the time to visit my website.

I would be delighted to engage in a conversation with you.

Thank you for taking the time to visit my website.

I would be delighted to engage in a conversation with you.

Thank you for taking the time to visit my website.

I would be delighted to engage in a conversation with you.